January 11, 2021

 Today was started with finishing the lyrics of the opening number by adding in Mrs. Sparkly Clean’s solo. With the opening number completed, we moved on to a zoom call with Ms. Watson to practice the actual vocals for the songs in the show. We mostly focused on the solos in the opening number before we ran out of time for the call. After the call we had lunch. during this time I (Patricia) started hiding small plastic infants around the classroom, most of which ended up on top of a picture frame. We also tried to get a few on top of the door jam but alas, I was too short to reach it and so were the other people trying. I ended up getting one on top, but that was it. After lunch and the baby hiding parade thingy then came back and started to work on the choreography on the opening number as well. I guess you could say that we worked on the opening number a lot today. After we proposed the choreo to Ms. Bowman and Mr. Lowery, we split into groups to work on the choreo for other scenes for our separate characters and talked about some of the songs. Overall, today was mostly just tweaking some of the songs and getting started on choreo.

- Patricia Angulo


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