January 12, 2021

Today the troupe of actors in the musical theater J-term started by working on vocals with Ms. Watson. We warmed up and ran through the three songs (right next-door to the commons was full of students who heard undoubtedly heard our beautiful voices). After Ms. Watson left, we ran through the choreography for the opening number and then began to work on choreographing the remaining two numbers, which were the comedy villain number and the finale. It’s hard to describe exactly what is going on in these scenes without spoiling the show, but let’s just say it was a very interesting and (of course) fun process. Ms. Bowman and Mr. Lowery first gave us a designated amount of time (an hour or so) to put together blocking and choreography for the villain number. During this time, we put our heads together and constructed the scene, focusing on theatrical elements like dancing, props, and performance as well as technical things like where and when to enter and exit and all that jazz. It was really fun to think about how the characters act and carry themselves in the scene and also how they react to and play off of each other. 

Once our time was up, we regrouped with the teachers to show them what we had come up with. Ms. Bowman and Mr. Lowery gave us pointers and advice on how to improve it, and we tweaked and ran the number a few times and then repeated that whole process for the finale. The finale number was especially fun to choreograph because we had to come up with easy, rhythmic movements that we could all do, since we were dancing synchronized in a line. It was quite tedious work and the final product is pretty hilarious. I hope the audience enjoys it as much as we enjoyed the process

- Katie Vojvodic


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